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Programs : Program Search (results)

These are the programs that match the search criteria you selected. This office's recommended programs are displayed in the top grouping. Your full results are in the second grouping, and all programs sponsored by outside providers are listed in expandable sections at the bottom of this page. Click on a program name to go to the program's brochure page.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, sorted by Program name in ascending order.

LaGrange Programs
LaGrange Programs
Program Name City Country Region Save/Share
Internship in Sports Management: England and Scotland Edinburgh United Kingdom Europe
London United Kingdom Europe
Irish American Scholars Exchange Program (Exchange) Magee Ireland Europe
Jordanstown Ireland Europe
Coleraine Ireland Europe
Belfast Ireland Europe
John Cabot University Rome Italy Europe
MISEN Exchange Program (Exchange) Sao Paulo Brazil South America
Pueblo Mexico Central America
Daejeon South Korea Asia
Tokyo Japan Asia
POLS 2210: The Political History and Contemporary Governments of Greece, Italy and Turkey Athens Greece Europe
Thessaloniki Greece Europe
Kalabaka Greece Europe
Religion 1104: Dialogue with World Faith Traditions in Greece Thessaloniki Greece Europe
Athens Greece Europe
Kalabaka Greece Europe
Religion in the City New York, New York United States North America
Short-Term Study Away Course Proposal LaGrange United States North America
THEA 3285 Dancing at Lughnasa: Brian Friel's Donegal County Bundoran Ireland Europe

Affiliate Programs (click to expand)
Loop Abroad (1 item)
Center for International Studies (38 items)
The School for Field Studies (SFS) (2 items)
IES (80 items)
CIEE (78 items)
Middlebury Schools Abroad (1 item)
AIFS (44 items)
USAC (1 item)