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Study Away Course Proposal Procedure

Only LaGrange College full-time faculty are eligible to develop and lead a study away course.  Two full-time faculty are required to accompany a course and they must complete the online application and course approval process through their respective departments, the Office of Global Engagement, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Proposal Review Committee, APC, and faculty. Details on the process, policies and guidance in developing a study away course can be found in  Developing Short-Term Study Away Courses and on the application brochure page. 

An orientation sessions led by Global Engagement will be scheduled for late spring and early fall prior to the October deadline to review the online proposal process.  It is strongly advised that all faculty members attend to reacquaint themselves with the procedures.  Global Engagement will periodically offer mandatory training workshops on health, safety and risk management and other topics to prepare faculty for their responsibilities abroad and improve and assess our current policies and programs.
Ahearn in China
Developing and approving a course begins about 18 to 20 months in advance.  Below is a brief timetable for submitting and implementing a study away course:
  • May-September:  Meet with Office of Global Engagement regarding your proposal and the selection of a program provider.  New program providers must be vetted and approved by Global Engagement before they are contacted.
  • Mid-October:   A completed proposal which consists of the questionnaire, Contact Hour Worksheet, Budget, Itinerary, Emergency Plan, and Syllabus are due the third Friday in October. Proposals should be signed by both faculty leaders, the program coordinator(s) and department chair(s) before that date.
  • November:  Proposals reviewed by the OGE Proposal Review Committee then passed to VPAA and APC for approval
  • December:   Presented at the faculty meeting for final approval.
  • January:   Study Away online brochure produced and courses listed on Global Engagement website.
  • February:   Online applications open.
  • March:   Go Global informational fair held the first Tuesday in March.  Completed student applications due and list sent to Student Engagement for review.  Faculty review their applications and Global Engagement makes final decision.  Students notified by email of the decision.. 
  • October:  Final budgets due Interim courses
    • Interim
  • October/November:   Finalize all travel arrangements, submit cash advance request and Atlanta Airport transportation request to Global Engagement.
  • January:   Interim begins
  • February:  Submit Expense Report and Cash Advance Report to Global Engagement.
    • May-Away
  • March:  Finalize all travel arrangements, submit cash advance requests to Global Engagement.
  • May:  May Away begins.
  • June:  Submit Expense Report and Cash Advance Report to Global Engagement.